CG Vyapam Market Inspector Syllabus 2021 PDF Download & Exam Pattern

Hello job seekers, if you have applied for the CG Vyapam Market Inspector Syllabus 2021 PDF exam, you can download all the textbooks, old question papers, exam patterns,  and topics required for that CG Vyapam Market Inspector exam on the website. CG Vyapam Market Inspector We have collected everything on this website for you to use. So you read this post in its entirety and take advantages of the choice you have to write.

If you read the CG Vyapam Market Inspector Syllabus 2021 , previous question papers, syllabus and pdf attached in this post, they will generally help you to get higher marks in the CG Vyapam Market Inspector exam. Keep Following to know about CG Vyapam Market Inspector latest updates based on official deceleration.

CG Vyapam Market Inspector 2021Recruitment Details

Organization NameCG Vyapam
Post NameMarket Inspector, Sub Inspector (SI)
Total Vacancies168 Posts
Starting DateStarted
Closing Date4th April 2021
Application ModeOnline
CategoryPrevious Question Papers
Job LocationChhattisgarh
Selection ProcessWritten Test & Interview
Official WEB

CG Vyapam Market Inspector Exam Syllabus 2021 PDF Download

We have attached links of CG Vyapam Market Inspector Syllabus 2021 PDF in blow this post. Use the links to download the CG Vyapam sub Inspector syllabus and attend the exam by yourself. Mostly the exams have multi choice questions, understand the question and comparing the answers and choose the correct answer.  Start preparation here and keep rocking in your studies and achieve your aim.


  1. समय और दूरी (Time and Distance)
  2. वॉल्यूम और सतह क्षेत्र  (Volume & surface area)
  3. ऊँचाई और दूरियाँ  (Height & distances)
  4. जड़ें (Roots )
  5. कार्य समय (Time & Work)
  6. घड़ियों के सवाल (Clocks)
  7. अनुपात ( Ratio)
  8. औसत (Average )
  9. प्रतिशत (Percentage)
  10. लाभ और हानि आदि ( Profit & loss etc)
  11. क्रमपरिवर्तन और संयोजन ( permutation & combination )
  12. रेखा रेखांकन और सारणीकरण (line graphs & tabulation)
  13. वृत्त चित्र ( pie-charts)
  14. लघुगणक (logarithms)
  15. इत्यादि

Chhattisgarh Mandi Inspector Syllabus 2021 –  English

  1. अनदेखी मार्ग (Unseen Route)
  2. वाक्य की बनावट (Sentence Design)
  3. गलतियों का सुधार (Correction of Mistakes)
  4. खाली जगह भरे (Fill in the Blank)
  5. व्याकरण (Grammer)
  6. शब्दावली (Glossary)
  7. वाक्यांश (The phrase)
  8. एक शब्द मे उत्तर (One word answer)
  9. समानार्थक शब्द (Synonyms Word)
  10. विलोम शब्द (Antonyms)
  11. इत्यादि

Chhattisgarh Vyapam Mandi Inspector Syllabus 2021 ( Hindi )

  1. कहावतें व लोकोक्तियां के अर्थ
  2. बहुवचन
  3. रचना एवं रचयिता
  4. विलोमार्थी शब्द
  5. किसी वाक्य को अन्य लिंग में परिवर्तन
  6. संधि विच्छेद
  7. वर्तनी की सामान्य अशुद्धियाँ तथा शब्दों के शब्द रूप
  8. शब्दों के स्त्रीलिंग
  9. मुहावरा व उनका अर्थ
  10. अशुद्ध वाक्यों के शुद्ध रूप
  11. क्रिया से भाववाचक संज्ञा बनाना
  12. समानार्थी व पर्यायवाची शब्द
  13. अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
  14. इत्यादि

CG Mandi Inspector Exam Pattern 2021 Computer Knowledge

  1. कंप्यूटर का हिस्सा (Part of Computer)
  2. बुनियादी इंटरनेट ज्ञान (Basic Internet Knowledge)
  3. कंप्यूटर हार्डवेयर (Computer Hardware)
  4. माइक्रोसॉफ्ट वर्ड (Microsoft Word)
  5. कम्प्यूटर का मूल आधार (The Basic Fundamental of Computer)
  6. कंप्यूटर ईमेल (Computer Email)
  7. वेबसाइट और सॉफ्टवेयर (Website And Software)
  8. कंप्यूटर के प्रकार (Types of Computer)
  9. इत्यादि

CG Vyapam Mandi Inspector Exam Pattern 2021  General Knowledge

  1. नवीनतम भारत भूगोल (Latest India Geography)
  2. भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था पर नवीनतम अपडेट (Latest update on Indian Economy)
  3. नवीनतम आविष्कार और खोजें (Latest Inventions and Discoveries)
  4. छत्तीसगढ़ भूगोल (Chhattisgarh Geography)
  5. नवीनतम भारतीय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय इतिहास (Latest Indian and International History)
  6. छत्तीसगढ़ राजनीतिक और अर्थव्यवस्था (Chhattisgarh Political and economy)
  7. भारतीय राजव्यवस्था और शासन (Indian Polity and Governance)
  8. नवीनतम विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी(Latest Science and Technology)
  9. नवीनतम करंट अफेयर्स (Latest Current Affairs)
  10. छत्तीसगढ़ और भारतीय देश में नवीनतम सामान्य ज्ञान (Latest General Knowledge in Chhattisgarh and Indian Country)
  11. छत्तीसगढ़ का इतिहास (Chhattisgarh History)
  12. इत्यादि


  1. कृषिविज्ञान (Agronomy)
  2. एन्टोमोलोजी के मूलभूत (Fundamental of Entomology)
  3. बागवानी (Horticulture)
  4. भारतीय कृषि का भविष्य (Future of Indian Agriculture)
  5. फसल कीट और उनके प्रबंधन (Crop Pests and Their management)
  6. कृषि अभियांत्रिकी (Agriculture Engineering)
  7. पादप जैव रसायन (Plant Biochemistry)
  8. मृदा विज्ञान (Soil Science)
  9. कृषि विस्तार (Agricultural Extension)
  10. व्यावहारिक गणित (Applied Mathematics)
  11. कृषि विस्तार का आयाम (The dimension of Agricultural Extensions)
  12. जेनेटिक्स और प्लांट ब्रीडिंग (Genetics and Plant Breeding)
  13. प्लांट पैथोलॉजी (Plant Pathology)
  14. कीटविज्ञान (Entomology)
  15. खाद्य प्रौद्योगिकी (Food Technology)
  16. इत्यादि

CG Vyapam Market Inspector Exam Pattern 2021

Candidates fully read the all CG Vyapam Sub Inspector Patterns 2021 and prepare the Sample Question Papers and Answer keys before the written Exam. We have already attached all related CG Vyapam Market Inspector previous question papers, syllabus and materials PDF for developing preparation knowledge. Prepare well and get good scores in written exam.

क्र.विषय विवरणकुल प्रश्न कुल अंक 
01गणित30 प्रश्न30 अंक
02सामान्य ज्ञान20 प्रश्न20 अंक
03हिंदी / अंग्रेजी20 प्रश्न20 अंक
04सामान्य जागरूकता25 प्रश्न25 अंक
05कंप्यूटर ज्ञान20 प्रश्न20 अंक
06कृषि35 प्रश्न35 अंक
कुल 150 प्रश्न150 अंक

Certificate / Document Verification

An interview will be held to verify your documents after passing the written test. An offer letter will be sent from that company as to when this document verification will take place. Then you have to submit your documents.

The previous Question papers are available here. Candidates can download CG Vyapam Sub Inspector previous question paper easily. Who have passed the CG Vyapam Market Inspector Exam and plan to verify their certificates before attending interview.

List of Qualification Document needed during the verification

  • PAN Card
  • Education Documents ( School & College)
  • Date of Birth proof
  • ID proof (Driving License/AADHAR Card/Voter ID/Passport)
  • Passport Size Photos
  • If you are a current government employee in another government department or organization. You have NOC (No Objection Certificate)

Preparation Tips

Practice Test – Self Mock Test

They have to conduct the paper pen test method themselves to find mistakes and suspicious questions. Select the previous year’s model question papers and syllabus before the exam and find the answers to those questions. Thought the test, the previous year’s sample question papers and model question papers, syllabus wise training materials can be use for self examination. These will help us to get higher marks in the exam.

Day before an Exams

The Exam will conduct in soon, all applicants will move on exam date. Day before a writing the exam should not be stressful otherwise we are likely to forget the lessons we have learned. Don’t study any subjects that are new. When we study new subjects we are likely to forget the lesions we have already learned. If you sleep for at least 6 hours you are more likely to get high marks in the exam.

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CG Vyapam Market Inspector Previous Papers PDF, Sub Inspector Model Papers

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